You may have never planned on getting sick or injured and no longer being able to work. However, when your illness or injury prevents you from holding down a job, you need to find a way to survive financially without putting your health and life at risk.
Rather than endure agonizing symptoms because of your physical limitations, you instead might be encouraged to apply for benefit payments from the government. When you want to pursue a benefits stipend, monthly government checks, or SSI Portland applicants like you may get the results you want with legal help by your side.
Shortening the Application and Petition Process
Judges assigned to SSI cases have the duty of protecting the money in this fund. They cannot approve payments to people who are not truly sick or injured. They have to ensure that the money is going to people who have legitimate health conditions that prevent them from working.
People who have received fatal diagnoses or have suffered injuries that leave them paralyzed or bed-bound often are approved for their benefits faster than other applicants who are ambulatory and cognizant. When you can still walk and talk, you may appear to the judge as someone who can do some sort of job and earn some type of income.
However, many people suffer from illnesses and injuries that cannot be seen from the outside. For example, people with heart valve failure may look outwardly healthy. However, they are prone to fainting if they stand or sit for too long.
Likewise, diabetics might appear normal but suffer from symptoms that prevent them from feeling or using their feet and legs. These individuals cannot work outside of the home because they fall or pass out if they are physically stressed.
A judge may not be eager to listen to these arguments if you were to represent yourself. You need a lawyer who can gather the medical evidence and assertively make your case for you in court.
You can secure that legal representation today by going online to the attorney’s website. The lawyer has experience representing people who want to apply for Social Security disability payments and be approved quickly.
The SSI application process can be lengthy and frustrating. You need a lawyer who specializes in this area of law to pursue the case to the desired goal. You can retain this help today online.
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