In your household budgeting, the place where you can do the maximum budgeting is your food budget. When you are able to save a good amount of money in your groceries, your total budget will also get balanced and you will have more funds in your savings account.
Now the question is how much can you spend in groceries? As per the recent survey it was seen that a family of four people is currently spending about $100 to $116 per week based on the “Thrifty Plan”, depending on the age of children. If you are trying to reduce your budget, here are some important tips to follow:
Eliminate eating out! Restrict your dining out to as lowest as possible. Maybe, you can do it once in a month at the maximum. Most of us get caught up in fast paced living and eat out at least once or twice every week. Its just a complete waste of money. If you are able to stop yourself from dining out, you will be surprised to see how much you can save in a month.
Minimize the use of convenience foods. If you can cook the food on your own, you can make it for a fraction of the total cost. Most of us are so used to convenience foods that we don’t want to take the pain of cooking the food on our own. You can even go through the recipe books and make the food of your choice.
Do your homework. You should always keep your eye on the weekly sale going around in your neighborhood. If you can spend some time in planning things, you will save a lot of money in the grocery shopping and reduce the food budget.
Eat vegetarian food twice in a week. Vegetarian food is always good for health. Beans and rice are good examples. Sometimes egg dishes can be a nice change in routine for dinner.
Avoid using packaged mixes. Cakes, breads, muffins, pastry, pizza dough, pancake, and waffles all come in a variety of pre-packaged mixes. You can make the same things at your home and that also at a very cheaper price.
Find out the offers in your local store. Check out the store in your area. Maybe you will find some good deals in your favor.
Now that you know how to shop and where you should go for shopping, use all your resources. Combine your rebates, sales, and coupons whenever possible so that you can purchase the maximum grocery. You need to be a little bit dedicated for this, but you can literally get paid to purchase items if you are willing to invest the time.
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