Many people have this question whether they should or should not go to a debt attorney for resolving their debt related problems. If it is regarding credit card debts or payday loans, the query becomes all the more puzzling! People often get scared with the thought of an attorney, legal laws and the court.
Let’s go through an example. If you want to build a house for yourself, who will you go to? You will surely want to contact an architect or an engineer, right? Why will you do that? Because they are professionals and they are the concerned people to go to for such a thing. You will certainly not start to dig the ground with a shovel by yourself and trying to build the house! Likewise, if law looks like a maze to you, why will you want to waste time and energy to solve it? It is better to leave it to a lawyer to handle such legal issues which are very hard to understand. You must take a professional counseling from a debt attorney for the settlement of your debts.
Let us now focus on a credit card debt settlement attorney that can help you in getting out of debts. It is quite natural that a lay man will not be aware of the laws of his land. Collection agencies and creditors cash on it. You definitely do not want to get harassed or deceived in the name of collection! That is why you should consult a debt attorney for negotiating on your total debt balance. The attorneys will offer you their professional help and a proper guidance.
Fair Debt Collection Practices Act (FDCPA) has laid down a series of rules for collections. Violation of these rules may cost (not only monetarily but also in other forms of penalty) creditors or collection agencies. Sometimes situations may also arise that only an attorney can help you.
Consider the following facts, as this gives you a fair idea about how debt attorneys or lawyers can help you get out of your debt(s):
• If you can afford an attorney’s help then, definitely it is the best option for you. This is because a debt settlement attorney knows about the rights and limitations of every one. Be it the creditor or the debtor, a lawyer knows it all. He can guide you in the time of need, especially if you are planning to file a bankruptcy.
• Of course the concerned attorney has to be someone who has handled such cases and has also delivered results as well. Better Business Bureau can also help you in deciding an attorney for your debt negotiation. All you need to check is how many complains were made in the past against the lawyer of your choice.
• It is estimated approximately a good attorney can negotiate and reduce the debt by 50 – 65 cents on a dollar.
• Not to forget that a lawyer’s charges are based on the amount that is saved!
• About repaying your debts, what can be said is that if you are unable to pay the full amount, then you can make payments in installments.
• Although the time taken for negotiation varies from case to case and person to person. Nevertheless it is estimated that with the intervention of an attorney, one can become debt free within a span of 9-24 months.
Eventually when attorneys negotiate for debts, there is a high probability that they will get a better settlement for you. There are a lot of debt settlement programs which have mushroomed in the past, but it is always to be in the safe hands of a reliable debt attorney!
This entry was posted on Thursday, February 11th, 2010 at 4:30 pm and is filed under Debt, Debt Attorney. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. Both comments and pings are currently closed.
Thank you for all the great posts from last year! I look forward to reading your blog, because they are always full of information that I can put to use. Thank you again, and God bless you in 2010.