Unfortunately, we live in a day when we have to always keep our guard up when it comes to protecting our identity and finances. There will always be that person out there waiting for you to slip up so that they can swoop in and steal everything you have worked so hard for in life. Protect yourself from these predators with the following tips.
Security Begins at Home
Although you want your home and property to always look it’s best, you don’t want to advertise how much you have. Items such as signs with your car or motorcycle’s logo on it are really fun, but don’t hang them on the exterior of your home or garage. Keep windows covered with curtains or blinds that prevent others from peeking in, especially when you are not at home. Your discarded mail is also a risk. Always use a paper shredder to get rid of anything relating to your finances, purchases, or credit card offers.
Stay Safe in Public
It used to be quite simple to protect your identity in public. You would keep identification hidden away in wallets, and you would hold your hand over the numbers on your credit card when making a purchase. Today’s technology, combined with chipped credit and bank cards, allow thieves to use devices that read your numbers from a distance. Invest in an RFID wallet that blocks their scanners. Never say your social security number or a password out loud while in a public space, and consider using cash when traveling.
Online Security
Always be suspicious when online. Only open emails from people you know, and don’t ever use a link in an email to access bank accounts that require your password. Scammers are experts at creating real-looking emails in order to trick people into handing over their passwords unwittingly. When shopping, only buy from secure websites, and use payment methods from financial institutes that rely on chargeback protection from companies like Ethoca. You also want to create many various passwords for all of your online activity. Using the same one for everything is convenient, but it makes it easy for hackers to get in.
when it comes to keeping your identity and finances safe and secure, you can never be too cautious. Remember that those thieves out there are just waiting for you to get a little too comfortable and slip up. As long as you are doing all you can at home, online, and out in public to avoid these situations, you can relax knowing that your financial future is secure.
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