Entrepreneurs who want to start a new company can sometimes find the experience daunting. Many entrepreneurs may experience anxiety over the entire process and feel alone in their experience. That is not true as many of the world’s top entrepreneurs have invested time, money, and sweat into their projects as much as any other entrepreneur has. One can learn more about how the world’s entrepreneurs started out through Crunchbase.
What is Crunchbase?
Crunchbase is a user-generated database of the top technology firms and entrepreneurs in the world. With Crunchbase, anyone can find out the company details and the lives of entrepreneurs within IT and computer science. In addition, users with good knowledge of the companies and of the entrepreneurs can edit each entry. This allows a democratic atmosphere in Crunchbase where ideas and opinions concerned companies and entrepreneurs can flourish.
What is the Goal of Crunchbase
Crunchbase wants to be a service to any investor or entrepreneur who wants to learn how other successful entrepreneurs, investors, or companies succeeded with their business. Each entry can give detail information about a person’s work history, education, and notable actions while working at companies. Company profiles can give a detailed history of the business and how the business grew over the years.
One entry that can serve as an example of how Crunchbase works is for the entrepreneur Charles Phillips. The entry on Phillips includes social media contact information, like his Twitter and LinkedIn accounts, where he went to school and what he studied, and the current and former companies he either served as a board member of or worked in some capacity for. So, for example, one can see that Phillips attended Hampton University for his MBA in finance in 1986 and New York Law School for his JD in 1993. Crunchbase also lists Phillips serves as the board member of the American Museum of Natural History, the United States Air Force Endowment, the Phillips Charitable Organizations, Viacom, Jazz at the Lincoln Center, and the New York Law School. It also shows he is the current CEO and BOD of Infor and that he was the former president and board member of the Oracle Corporation. Crunchbase entries will have a history of Phillips’ milestones, allowing users to see his newsworthy history. For example, on December 12, 2010, the Phillips entry showed that he became the CEO and BOD of Infor. There is also a section for media, like pictures and videos. Most importantly, however, is a summary about who Phillips is, his life story, and what he has professionally done in the IT sector. Users who edit Crunchbase entries can also place their sources for the entry so everyone can see where this information came from.
Why Crunchbase Is Helpful
First and foremost, in the age of the internet, Crunchbase helps provide public information on all notable investors, entrepreneurs, and companies in the IT and computer sector. This serves as public knowledge that can help researchers or interested professionals learn more about a company or person. Secondly, if an entrepreneur is down-on-their-luck and lacks a firm belief in themselves, researching the life story about another investor or entrepreneur and seeing how far they had to go to reach where they are now can be life-affirming. Try Crunchbase today to find out about all the top firms and people in IT and computer science.
This entry was posted on Tuesday, December 10th, 2013 at 6:13 pm and is filed under Others. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. Both comments and pings are currently closed.