By financen | April 11, 2017 - 6:15 pm - Posted in Credit, Credit Score

How to Improve Your Credit Score

Do you ever think about your credit score? Chances are you have if you are in the market for a new car or even to buy a house. Your credit score doesn’t seem important when you are young and don’t have a lot of responsibilities, but it is. College students are famous for racking up credit card debt in college that will stick with them until later in their life and ruin their credit.

If you are thinking about your credit score, you are probably trying to come up with ways to improve it. Doing this is actually not as hard as you probably think it is, but it will take some work in both the short and the long term. A lot of this depends on how bad your score is to begin with, but there is no mountain too high to climb in terms of credit.

Four Ways to Improve Your Credit Score

Be Fastidious with Your Credit Report – Don’t just look at your score and throw your report away. There could be damaging things on it that are incorrect. Consumers have the right to challenge anything on their report that they thing doesn’t belong. You might be surprised at how much your score goes up when even small debts are taken care. They really add up. Credit agencies are more than willing to work with you to help get rid of these if they are proven to be wrong.

Start with High-Interest Accounts – If you have multiple loans or credit accounts you are trying to pay off, start with the higher interest ones. This makes sense because the higher the interest rate, the more money you are going to pay to get rid of it. People don’t always realize how much interest really racks up on their credit accounts.

Get a Credit Card – A lot of people have probably told you to never have a credit card because they are trouble. There is some truth to this, but in order to have a good credit score, you must have some credit in the first place. The only way to build your credit score is to borrow money and pay it off. This will also create a history that lenders can look at to see if you are a viable option for a loan. In short, you can’t have a good credit score if you don’t have any credit. This seems obvious, but a lot of people don’t understand it.

This entry was posted on Tuesday, April 11th, 2017 at 6:15 pm and is filed under Credit, Credit Score. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. Both comments and pings are currently closed.

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