By financen | January 25, 2008 - 7:28 pm - Posted in Marketing

According to the Fair and Accurate Credit Transactions Act (FACTA), consumers have the rights to stop a corporation’s affiliates from sharing customer data if it’s related with marketing purposes. This opt-out feature is enabled along with the existing opt-out choices when information is shared with any third party non-affiliates and an existing opt-out under the FCRA.

According to the provisions of the FCRA, affiliates cannot share your information about your “credit worthiness” with other companies when the purpose is for marketing. Consumers now have the ability to stop information from being shared between different companies when they are trying to sell their products and services.

  • How and when will I be able to opt-out?

You have to fill a few forms to be able to opt out of telemarketing calls. Once done, the flow of junk mails and pre-approved credit card offers will slow down. The number of phone calls will decrease and limit the sharing of your personal financial information

There is also an opportunity of one time opt out. Under your legal rights, you have the advantages of opting in or out of class action law suits and make informed decisions when there is a need to sign clauses limiting you to binding mandatory arbitration.

For list-based services that curtail unwanted marketing by phone and mail, registration is easy and available online, by phone or via a note sent snail mail.

One of the most popular opt outs is getting listed in the National Do Not Call Registry. This was established by the federal government in June 2003, the list is managed by the Federal Trade Commission and enforced by the FTC, the Federal Communications Commission and individual state governments.

You need to call (888) 382-1222 or go online to and simply add your name and numbers to the list. (You can add cell phone numbers, too.) Once you have entered your number in the “do not call” list, marketers who use phone solicitation are prohibited from calling you for five years. However, if you have changed your phone number or the calling plans, you might need to re-register. Telemarketing companies are required to update their calling lists every 31 days, you will see a significant difference in phone traffic within a month.

Be informed that political organizations, charities and legitimate marketing survey companies aren’t covered by the do-not-call regulations. If you have bought something from a company, they are allowed to call you for up to 18 months. If you have initiated contact with some company but haven’t bought anything, then they are allowed to call you up to three months.

This entry was posted on Friday, January 25th, 2008 at 7:28 pm and is filed under Marketing. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. Both comments and pings are currently closed.


  1. February 6, 2008 @ 7:48 pm

    It’s great to read about the issues you present. You really provide a bit of clarity in a relatively poor economic time. Thanks for the great information.

    Posted by Layla
  2. February 20, 2008 @ 8:55 pm

    I agree. In these times of economic troubles, it’s really fantastic to have someone like you providing such great information on what we can do and what are rights are as Americans with regards to things like the do not call registry. Thank you for your articles.

    Posted by Tina Anderson