It’s always a good idea to have some kind of cards that will have a direct tie up with your bank account without falling into any kind of debts. Nowadays, most of the banks are willing to offer a debit card that is directly connected to your savings or checking account. There are some other cards that can be used in a different way. These are known as prepaid cards where you deposit a certain amount of money on your bank account and then use the prepaid card to make purchases on yourself or control the spending. Let’s look at some of the salient features of having a debit prepaid card.
Control your spending: The best thing of a prepaid card is that you will have the maximum control on your spending habits. Using these cards, you will know exactly how much balance is available on your bank account and when there is no balance on your account, the transaction that you did by your prepaid card will automatically get declined. That’s why it’s important to budget.
Prepaid cards works like a credit card: Many people have the misconception that a debit prepaid card works only with their bank and hence there are certain limitations on the transactions. The fact is that you will be able to use the debit prepaid card anywhere as long as it has the MasterCard or the Visa logo.
Prepaid cards are safe and secure. You are only liable to pay the first $50 courtesy of a government law. You don’t need to feel afraid of using this card online or in person, no matter where you swipe it.
There are many other reasons of using a debit prepaid card along with the other regular cards. You should look into using these cards because it will keep a control on your spending habits.