By financen | May 9, 2016 - 4:05 pm - Posted in Economy

If you had to sum up the US economy as it currently stands using just 3 numbers, which numbers would you choose? It’s hard, isn’t it?

The Financial Times US managing editor Gillian Tett has attempted just that in a short new video released online:

The first number listed is 40% of all supposed Mexican imports are actually born right at home in the US. During the manufacturing process, car parts can cross the Mexico/US border up to eight times, but they start that back-and-forth journey north of the border.

The second number is 53 million, and is the amount of Americans who are currently self-employed. If you can’t quite imagine this amount of people, it is roughly the population of the entire nation of South Africa, and yet the number is set to continue to rise thanks to the current ‘gig’ economy. You’ve heard of Uber? Well, all of their drivers are actually self-employed.

The final number is an incredible 12 trillion, which is the amount in US dollars which is due to be inherited by the kids and grandkids of those born in the 20’s and 30’s over the next decade. It’s set to be the biggest wealth transfer ever, and totals more than 152 times the total wealth of Bill Gates.

Watch the video and comment with which 3 numbers you think represent the US economy, and check out the official Financial Times website for a 4 week trial for just $1

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