When you are going to file for a bankruptcy, it is important to find an experience and reputed bankruptcy lawyer who knows and understand the bankruptcy laws well. It is also important that the attorney knows the procedure of filing bankruptcy. If your current financial situation force you to file for a bankruptcy and you need to find out a good bankruptcy lawyer then you should remember the following steps.
1) You should look for a lawyer who can explain the whole procedure of filing bankruptcy to you. Try to find out someone who will be willing to walk you though each step of this complicated procedure.
2)It is important to know about the fees of the attorney. Be sure that the attorney explains you everything about his fees like what fees is for what service.
3) It may be problem for you that you are not finding someone special who can take care of your case. At this time you can discuss your situation to any other person who is in legal profession. You can discuss it before your personal attorney and he can suggest someone who is good in bankruptcy area or he can do it himself also. But if your personal attorney wants to take over your case then be sure that he know bankruptcy laws well.
4) If you have time then it is advised that visit the bankruptcy court before hiring anyone. This will give you a better understanding on how the total process of bankruptcy works and in this way you will be able to understand what kind of bankruptcy lawyer you need. There is another advantage of visiting the bankruptcy court which is, you can find a list of bankruptcy attorney who are in this area and you can easily find out one of the best from them.
In US the state laws are different so you should follow the rules of your state and find attorney accordingly. You can also search the bankruptcy firm in the internet. If you are in California then search with the keyword “bankruptcy lawyers california”. And if you are in Florida then search with the keyword “bankruptcy lawyers florida”. In this way you can trouble shoot your problem.
This entry was posted on Friday, April 4th, 2008 at 2:12 am and is filed under Bankruptcy. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. Both comments and pings are currently closed.